Today, I'm taking my little buddy Vito on one last adventure before he heads back to North Carolina. I'm so thankful that I had the chance to help Vito overcome early life difficulties and set the stage for a whole lifetime of puppy sized adventures with his family! Vitos's Condition - Puppy Strangles Juvenile cellulitis, also known as puppy strangles or juvenile pyoderma, is an uncommon disease of dogs. Symptoms include dermatitis, lethargy, depression and lameness. When puppies are first presented with what appears to be staphylococcal pyoderma, juvenile cellulitis, a relatively rare condition, may not be considered. The first symptom is a sudden onset of swelling of the face, which develops within two days into papules and pustules on the lips, nose, and around the eyes. These pustules release a purulent discharge, causing a crust to form on the skin. There is also lymphadenopathy (swelling of lymph nodes) in the main lymph nodes of the head.[3] The feet, body, prepuce or perianal area may be affected. Pustular otitis externa can occur, with the pinnae (ear flaps) becoming thickened by edema. Affected areas are painful but not itchy. Approximately half of affected puppies have lethargy and depression. Less common symptoms include pyrexia, anorexia, and joint pain caused by sterile suppurative arthritis. I hope you guys enjoy!